Can't Separate Stacks of Crafting Kits

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Bushwhacker2k, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Bushwhacker2k

    Bushwhacker2k Member

    When crafting kits get stacked, I can't find any way to unstack them. With (most) other items I place them in a crafting kit and it takes one from the pile, crafting kits stay stacked, like lockpicks.

    I assume this is a bug, because I can't see any logical reason why this would be (or why there isn't a more efficient way to unstack items).
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Known bug because of how crafting kits interact (not like other items). I'm not sure if it's in any upcoming list for the next patches or not.
  3. Bushwhacker2k

    Bushwhacker2k Member

    Hopefully, thanks for the response.