Hi, after finding out about destructable walls, I have been spamming Dragon's Breathe everytime I have extra (which often gets me killed, so I often don't get far enough to get better AoEs).. and it really is disappointing when I find a secret area, and I can't get to it, because you can't cast on walls. I have to target the floor, which can make it impossible to get the right area hit. I don't see why you are restricted on what you can cast basic spells at.. and I suggest that these restrictions are either removed, or are re-thought out.. so that things that don't need to be restricted, can be unrestricted. I would like to hear the communities thoughts on the matter, and have similar potentially unnecessary restrictions pointed out.. also, while I am on the topic of destructable walls, how about there should be ways to detect them (other than casting AoE)? Maybe a high enough / and other observational skills or perhaps a detection magic could make certain destructible walls visible.. although some should require higher stats to be seen ( / / requirements for the detection spell), and some could be impossible to see without testing with spells. Edit: Technically Second/ Third Sight (4th/ 5th Perception tree skill) could already detect hidden areas.. although it is untested (it does make sense with the description..). The only reason not to add ways to detect walls, would be that it could make finding out about them too easy for new players, and ruin the surprise. If the effect was only on rare activated abilities like Second/ Third Sight.. it would still take a while to find out.