Change Fonts for the Forum?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by 123stw, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. 123stw

    123stw Member

    I notice that the new font on this forum is REALLY difficult to read. Just wanted to point that out.

  2. Feynt

    Feynt Member

    That's totally you. I see smooth fonts in the forum. Maybe check your windows settings for anti-aliasing on fonts? I know there's a way to turn it off (it makes windows marginally faster), but it commonly makes fonts outside of their ideal sizes look like ass.
  3. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    yeah looking fine for me too
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    There's an issue with Chrome's font rendering on certain Windows platforms which is probably at fault here. They should have it fixed in the next version.
  5. Feynt

    Feynt Member

    Really? I'm using Chrome with Win7, but I've also used it with XP and both look the same.

    Could the offending version be... Vista? (big surprise if it is)
  6. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Yeah the same font problem on this computer with chrome for me. My other computers don't have that problem.