ALPHA 49 Chapel: Wrench in Cogs

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alavaria, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    After toying around with the chapel, there's a couple of things I've noticed:

    • Does the quality affect things much? Can't notice any affect on the people there
    • Currently it seems like the game has 1 colonist request a sermon (just like wanting to give confession)
      Having anyone else is around to benefit is totally random
    • While the game counts chairs, having them isn't particularly important, past a couple

    • Better altars don't do anything different I think.
    • You are spending an overseer (+lowerclass) to occasionally give some colonists the confession/sermon memory
    • Get spammed with "Cannot find vicar for confession" messages
    • The penalty for not having a chapel** isn't anything to worry about
    • I also suspect it can use up colonist off-shift time, which might mean they don't get to sleep
      If you remember, this means they might "Felt Tired" the next day which can mean they will immediately strike if they are say a farmer...

    **It only affects spiritual colonists, and of those we only really care about Overseers. But as we know, getting angry over no chapel helps prevent striking.
    For being one of only two buildings in the Lacquer Age (other being the lab) it isn't very worth your investment.

    The whole sermon mechanic especially just whiffs past as most of the time it doesn't get on anyone.

    In total, the labor you have working the chapel would probably get you more effect if you turned them into military so everyone gets the memory from seeing soldiers about.

    So, what approach do you usually take to the chapel? If you've taken a while to see how much it affects your colonists, I would be quite interested to hear it....

    Samut likes this.
  2. Samut

    Samut Member

    It would be nice if colonists who want a sermon would just get a tag to that effect. Then every day Vicars could do a check and if the # of colonists that were tagged had hit a certain level of the colony population (I like square roots, personally), they'd do it. There would probably also need to be a new job created called Attend Sermon or something like that (if there isn't one already).
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
  3. Mike A

    Mike A Member

    I put in eight chairs and it means nothing!!

    All of your findings for the Chapel are true. It is currently much more trouble than it is worth. I am sure they will get around to making it work eventually. At least now it takes lacquered wood so your colonists don't demand it right away and then you're stuck with "CAN'T FIND VICAR" notices for your entire game!
  4. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Maybe break things up a bit and make the chapel more "self-serve".

    Give/Take Confession VS Wall Shrine
    Currently the wall shrines are decor, and I think Spiritually Inclined colonists pray at them (no memory). Also, SI colonists pray before sleeping (this does give a memory).

    Now, suppose we changed it as follows:
    1. Colonist will pray at a wall shrine in the chapel
    2. Colonist will give confession to vicar
    3. If none of the above are possible, instead colonist will pray at any other wall shrines
    4. If none of the above are possible, colonist gets a bad memory if they haven't prayed in (4 days for normal, 2 days for SI)
    When praying at a wall shrine, the type of shrine and quality of the building should matter.

    An alternative to the whole confession thing is:
    A vicar has to do some sort of job in the chapel (dust wall shrine?) after the shrine has been used a few times. Much like repairing perhaps, but more frequent (every 5 uses perhaps? ... this means with 100 colonists, you have 25 people using the wall shrines so 5 "dustings" every day.

    Alternatively, the Vicar needs to "burn incense" every day, which one person will do at start of their shift. This primes the chapel so the wall shrines can be used for the next 8 shifts (ie: one day). The chemist would of course make incense... maybe a mixture of 1 plank + 1sulphur + 1 lacquer or something wierd

    Grades of wall shrines (now we have 1 plank and 2 planks...)
    • 2 planks (normal one)
    • 2 lacquered planks (ornate one)
    • 2 lacquered planks + 1 gold ingot (gilded shrine)

    Floor shrines would be nice too...

    Like the above, give colonists a little number showing how long since they last heard a sermon. SI want to go for one after 2 days, and the rest after 4 days. The quality of sermon depends on:
    • Vicar = SI or not?
    • Quality of chapel
    • Quality of chair (needs a chair)
    • Quality of altar

    Furthermore, make chairs affect the quality of the chapel. I would say that a Simple Chair should be -1, while the better chairs might be -0.5.
    Also, when calculating the decor, a fancy altar (the large ones) might give a boost to quality. And some of the "religious" decor (especially expensive ones needing metal or even gold/lacquered planks) might give a quality bonus larger than 1, maybe 1.5 or 2
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
  5. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    All the buildings that people wait at for service need work. the public house is broken too.