This class is oriented around allowing the character to stay in a battle longer through enhanced health items and health+resistance buffs allowing for more damage resistance as a mage class while not sacrificing magic abilities through armor but could serve as a potent tanking ability for a warrior or battle mage. Become a concoctive, creative, concise and slightly crazy culinary connoisseur, able to fabricate any recipe from even the most bare-bones of supplies. Items: Chef's hat. Now all we need is a curly black mustache, a portly gut and a thick Italian accent to go along with it. stats: +2 +5 Chef's smock: Savior of the white shirt +2 +2 +1 +4 Dull Cleaver: Ineffective at dicing tomatoes. Axe class weapon 1 2 1 Basic Kitchen Supplies: For when the office microwave just isn't enough. Can craft a variety of new recipes. Items: Wheat Flour Yeast Milk Sugar Diggle Breast Bread crumbs Tomato Potato Cabbage Lettuce Garlic Onions Peanuts Grapes Mayonaise Peanut oil Grape Jelly Peanut Butter Eely eggs Chef's often use this as a substitute for caviar when encountering the weak of taste bud. Recipes: most to be announced) Bourbon style diggle: 1 Bread crumbs, 1 peanut oil, 1 diggle Breast, 1 Colonel Miz Stizzix's Old-Time Country-style Bourbon 26 12 Tacos Pasta Peanut Butter and Jelly Pizza Unleavened Bread: 1 flour, 1 milk, 1 diggle egg, 1 potion of radiance For 20 turns 5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +3 +3 ,25% on counter to trigger Blinding Area Hit, 100% on counter to trigger Blinding area hit, 100% on Magic reflect ot activate Blinding area hit w/ +100. A symbolic and convenient of food items used by desert wanders to escape slave traders. French Toast Tofu Steak: Tofu, Steak 25 Does not affect killer vegans What has Science done! French Fries Pasta w/ Red Sauce Pasta w /Wine sauce Pasta w/ meat sauce Please respond with more recipes from the selected items Abilities: 1st- Culinary education You take a job hiring at a restaurant and begin to earn the tricks of the trade. +2 +3 +2 (create new symbol for cooking skill)+1 2nd-Savory You become experienced with tastes produced with various food items, eating them slowly to taste how the flavors all work together. Effects of food and booze increased 30% +2 +3 +2 (create new symbol for cooking skill)+1 3rd-What do you mean it tastes dry The stresses of the kitchen workplace has strained on your patience, causing you to occasionally spit in other people's food. 24% after being hit +6 +10 +10 for 18 turns +3 +2 (create new symbol for cooking skill)+1 4th-Portly Your gut filed with vast amounts of expensive cuisines now serves as an effective shield against enemy attacks. +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +8 +8 +2 (create new symbol for cooking skill)+1 5th-Pressure cooker You can handle any and all tasks under time constraints through hard work and sweat. +3 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +3 +12 +2 +1 +5 (create new symbol for cooking skill)+1
There is already a Dire Gourmand class mod, in this spirit - though you're obviously welcome to have your own take on the idea. Honestly, this skill tree looks like it gets very OP'd very fast, to me.
You could make this yourself, check out the modding forum. This kind of mod would be very easy to make.
You seem to take a "grab bag" approach to assigning stats to things. Try to focus on a smaller handful of stats that would be appropriate, specific, or salient. Per Loren's suggestion I'm renaming mine to something more booze-related, so you're welcome to make a chef skill of your own if you want - I can't really comment on balance, though, because my eyes glaze over when I crash into those walls of stat boosts. Some of this stuff sounds like it could be an item pack, too - and with item packs, people can add them to any game run, whereas with a skillset they have to commit one of their 7 skills, which is a bigger commitment.