clearly highlight Mysterious Portals when placed behind vending machines

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SkyMuffin, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I accidentally walked into one like this. It's a good thing I had 40 Inky Hoglanterns. :p

    Vending machines are one of the only objects in the game that can clearly obscure other objects like this. Most of the other things like candles, fountains, etc, still leave space to see what's behind them.
    Turbo164, Arqane and Bohandas like this.
  2. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    This is a valid point.
  3. Also doors.
    Bohandas likes this.
  4. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    And the bottom wall edges, traps show there but other things are hidden.
    Turbo164 and Bohandas like this.
  5. Arqane

    Arqane Member

    Ouch, yeah. Though on the other hand, it certainly makes the game more interesting... if deadly.