"Clock" room object class... Does it really exist?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Bohandas, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Kazeto likes this.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    By getting into the game's innards. I'm not sure right now but I think it was Null who did it.
    Bohandas likes this.
  3. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Any idea if it actually works?
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I have never tried so I can't give you a guarantee, but it ought to, seeing as it is unlikely for it to have been pulled out of nowhere.

    If you want to save time on this particular issue, I recommend asking sir Nicholas directly, as the only people outside of devs who would know are the one who pulled it out of the code (and that might or might not have been Null, and he isn't the most active person nowadays) and possibly the ones who work on room mods (Ruigi, lccorp2, r_b_bergstrom).