My beautiful colony is falling apart because my teams refuse to make planks. They have plenty of chopped down wood, and two separate buildings full of mechanical saws, but as it is all the cots have broke, and no one can get any sleep, and we need planks to repair the cots, but it seems like all my plank crews are tired from not having cots and refuse to make planks. This in turn is making all my farmers tired, and my colony is starving to death, anyone have any helpful advice? Maybe when you ask for building material from the crown they can drop some wooden planks down to you too?
I had a similar plank-related issue recently. I had logs, but no planks, even though I had a workshop and a crew assigned to it. In my case, assigning a different crew did the trick - I don't know if the old crew was glitched, or they were constantly busy doing the wrong thing, but getting a fresh crew in there got plank production back on track.
Yeah, if your workshop gets jammed up, re-assign the workcrew and it seems to clear it up. We saw a bit of this with kitchens earlier.
Anybody have a save game where this happens? I'd like to fix it or at least understand why. Also: standing orders or just "Make Planks"?
Here's a save, replay, and console of an early game where a standing order of planks is being neglected:
I had this problem in my last game as well, but didn't save. Also, from the front page, all of this topic's title you can see is "Colony Collapse due to no pla" so I automatically assumed the rest of that sentence was "planning." Which made me giggle.
I grabbed the save game and fired it up, and they *immediately* started making planks. What am I missing?
Hm, at the time I saved, I was experiencing a plank crisis. I had not loaded a save, it just happened during the course of a single session. I don't think I ever expected it was related to loading a save, though (the way the farm bug is). My guess is that loading the session re-initialized something to do with job priorities? If it happens again, I'll try to isolate it in another save.
And looking through your console.txt it looks like it was trying to make planks (i.e. it was posting the job) up until the end. So was the work crew doing something else? Is this an information feedback problem rather than a game bug?
As I recall, the Work Crew in question was actively doing something else (chopping up Fishman corpses or hauling or something), i.e. planks were still a job, but not a priority, despite bunch of construction being held up due to lack of planks.
Sounds like it's a job priority problem. I have noticed that as well when trying to get stuff built. If saving then loading resets priorities thats a good trick to know! Edit: Complete conjecture on my part, but I assume job priority is tracked somehow. When you have a standing order, does completing it lower the jobs priority, and it's not reset correctly? AKA, the game thinks it's "done", so nobody works on it anymore, even if the amount of planks falls below the standing order again?
Job priority is calculated using the <utility> block in workshop_jobs.xml for the thing. I'll plug it into the utility checker and see if something got screwed up but I don't think so.