Coming back to the game

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Cthulhu_Awaits, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. I has been a few months since I last touched this game, either because I was too busy to dedicate enough time to a colony, or fearing its addictiveness, I didn't want to get caught into another spiral of steampunck madness. Today I came back to game. And it was awesome. I really like the updates, I'm still confused in some aspects, but I'm overall pleased. I'm still new to the updated passion and desires mechanics, I love the mining system, For "some reasons" I couldn't explore the market option, the foreign office could have been the key to exit the impasse caused by the lack of initial metallic ores, but the ore request to the stalmarkian disappeared before I could get enough influence. Agriculture is... well... I don't know. Only thig I could grow was maize. No wood, or any other culture. Maybe it's possibile to get more plants via trade or science, but trade didn't happen and science was locked by the need of "treated wood" that I still don't know how to get. I tried to build a bridge towards the mainland. I still don't know if it' possible. I got an error message pretty early in the game, but I fogot to screen it, and I can't remeber what it was about. There still seem to be problems with the resource counts, a lot of recepies do not recognize the resources in the "inventory", and a sometimes the production queue of a workshop doesn't recognized the production of some items (I order some chairs, I get said chairs in the stockpile, the order list is still at 0 chair produced). And there is still people how get stuck on modules. That's how I discovered the amazing hunting ghost! The poor fellow got stuckbetween two cots, died of hunger and body itself got stuck under a cot. A lot of time passed before someone could dismantel said cot and free his body for the graveyard. Also, stalmarkian are a bunch of cowards: they propose to train my troops, and flee at the sight of firs fishman (hostile) that comes across... pfff

    It was an interesting challange, to see as far as I could get in this little island. Also, sneaky stone creatures hiding in the shadows...

    village 2.jpg village 1.jpg

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  2. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    Treated wood comes from the chemistry lab... which requires glass bottles for the bench.
  3. I know, I built one :p But it also requires another raw resource that I cannot farm.
  4. Noratoxin

    Noratoxin Member

    I'm not sure how map generation is supposed to work, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed spawn in the middle. Nonetheless, I really like the look of this kind of island colony. That would explain why you were in such a high need of timber.
  5. The starting point really had enough wood: I still have a good stock of 50-ish logs. Plus I started with the military set, even though I strangely didn't get a full fledged NCO at the beginnig, but an overseer with military skill. I had to buil the barrack to make her an NCO (also the tutorial didn't progress after the barrack thing, even though I built two in the, to try and go on with it). The beginning was a bit rough, I had to flatten everything e mine some stone pillars before having enough space for the wood workshop... And it took me quite a while to realize I was on an island... -.-' Also, artists spawned in the mainland, as well as stalmarkians and also the airship crashed on the mainland... I think I will try to see if by commerce (if they want to come) or foreign office I can get a bit furhter into the game...

    On the wood thing: are the colture locked by the weather of the starting location? because if I can't farm bamboo for timber in the north location, I locked to get a good start for a "winning" game... :/
  6. Little report: since the ceramic worshop can produce upkeep trunks, the colony now is stable, but unable to grow, since the mine only outputs coal, and metal only comes from stalmarkians excess ores... and you need 3 ores for an ingot D: And I can't treat planks since I lack the other resource -.-' I don't think you can flatten terrain from underwater, at least notover a certain distance... Even though my colonists seem to like working underwater...

    Also, some obeliskian error of some sort..

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  7. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    You're brave for sticking it out on that map... major kudos.:)

    Laquer to treat your planks can be found either from foraging laquer trees (which you may not have), trade, or killing beetles. So if you see any beetles around, exterminate those buggers asap.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  8. Thank you for the news! :D It's a pretty advanced colony, in which I invested quite some time and I was curios if I could build the bridge to the mainland.... Also, it was kind of a challange. But now it's only a game of waiting ores form the foreign office. I don't even know if the hunting thing is working right now, since I've got deers all over the colony, but neither the naturalis (assigned to hunting in the workshop) neither the soldiers seem inclined to fight them. now I think I'll try another colony, and maybe I'll come back at least to build a deeper mine (I got to the water pumping system, but a need much more iron for the ventilation :/)
  9. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    So it doesn't come as a shock later, it's been confirmed that upkeep is being removed in future versions. ;)
  10. Really??? I liked it quite a lot! D:
    Noratoxin likes this.
  11. jotwebe

    jotwebe Gained the People's Ovation and Fame Forever

    It was bugged to increase geometrically when introduced, and a lot higher than it's now the first few updates, which lead to much wailing and gnashing of teeth here on the forum. I think the rough start colored some people's opinion on it, plus upkeep isn't the kind of thing that attracts passionate defenders. Personally I'm very interested in what the replacement is.
    Cthulhu_Awaits and Tarod like this.
  12. I thought the upkeep were just do to some modules and they total upkeep was just the sum of all the upkeep for alla the modules you currently have in use ?_?

    And what do you mean with "passionate defenders"?
    jotwebe likes this.
  13. jotwebe

    jotwebe Gained the People's Ovation and Fame Forever

    When upkeep was introduced, every module of a type after the first had (normal upkeep + number of modules) higher upkeep than the one before. Add to that the fact that lower class cots needed upkeep too, you got some crazy numbers pretty soon.

    With passionate defenders I mean people who make threads about upkeep is great and that they love paying upkeep and that make posts every new version about how they won't play the game anymore unless cots are made to cost upkeep again... The closest was the one guy saying he liked needing a four-man ceramics workshop devoted to making upkeep trunks because it "added a layer of urgency" but "it may be just me".
  14. cots requiring upkeep? wow... a bit too extreme for me XD
  15. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    (Only for the moment, upkeep is being scrapped for the next major update)
  16. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    (it's scrapped)