So I was playing some yesterday night and after a while got annoyed at the container system, and after thinking a bit on how to phrase my annoyance in a succinct way I think I got it. It removes my ability to gain information at a glance. Looking at the stockpiles tells me nothing about how much I have of a certain commodity, only if I have any at all (disregarding stuff that's isn't on the stockpile yet). Obviously I can just open the stockpile, but it's a minor annoyance if I have to do it a lot as I have to right now. Looking at a older game, Pharaoh, had this solved. Each square of a stockpile could contain a certain amount and there were different textures for a few phases, such as almost empty, half full and full. This made it extremely easy to glance over your stockpile and see "oh I have about 3000 pottery" without going all to nitty gritty. I realize making new textures for containers etc is a lot more work, so what I'd like to see ideally is simply a cap per container at maybe 5 or 10, to quickly allow me to count my containers and have an idea, because right now I might have 1 plank or 27 planks and there's literally no difference visually and to me it get's tiring to have to open the stockpile every time if I am waiting to have a certain amount for something. It's also not very clear that I have 8 field of beer and 1 of planks, yet I have far more planks than I have beer. It's not a big deal really, just for me it would be a serious quality of life change, and I'd like to see what other peoples opinion is on the subject or if they have problems with my "solution" that I didn't think of
It's never personally bothered me to click the menu bar to see what all I have, it takes very little time. However, I DO wish I could open my commodities list without closing out of blueprint mode and such.