First;before I delve you into my amateur coding Job,I'll give you some background on the mod I'm wanting to create. It's a new skill called "Diggle Tamer",it's going to have abilities pertaining to summoning diggles.Anyway,I've got the mod folder set up and it shows up in the DoD Launcher,when I launched the game with my mod it crashed on startup,so I was inclined to use the XML Checker and found errors in my code,I fixed them because they were very minor,silly mistakes (like a missing "/>" and whatnot),I've narrowed the errors down to a few and I can't seem to figure out how to fix them,I'll provide the my code and then the errors.Any help will be GREATLY appreciated. (Note:I'm not done laying out the abilities in the skillDB file,I was planning to debug each one as I added them) Mod.XML (No discrepancies) <dredmormod> <revision text="0.1"/> <author text="GDWT"/> <name text="Diggle Tamer Skill"/> <description text="I'm a little diggle,short and evil..."/> <info totalconversion="0"/> </dredmormod> skillDB.XML <skillDB> <skill name="Diggle Tamer" id="54521" type="wizard" description="Yeah,you tame diggles,just don't ask someone if they want to see your diggle."> <art icon="sprites\skills\core_diggle64"/> </skill> <ability startSkill="1" name="Faithful Diggle" icon="sprites\skills\core_diggle64" skill="54521" > <description text="Summon a simple diggle to your aid"/> <spell name="Summon Diggle"/> </ability> </skillDB> spellDB.XML <spell name="Summon Diggle" type="adjacent" icon="sprites\skills\core_diggle64" downtime="30" wand="1"> <requirements mp="10" savvyBonus="0.00" mincost="10" /> <effect type="summon" monsterType="Diggle" amount="1" /> <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/summonA/summonA" frames="10" firstframe="0" framerate="90" centerEffect="1"/> <description text="Look at your cute little diggle buddy,but watch out,he drills!" /> </spell> XMLValidationLog mod\spellDB.xml 1 error(s) found. Line 1, Position: 2 -- The 'spell' element is not declared. (I have no idea what it means by this,I followed the tutorial exactly on mod\skillDB.xml 3 error(s) found. Line 3, Position: 9 -- The file, 'skills\core_diggle64', was not found. (I tried spelling out the entire file path,to no avail) Line 5, Position: 49 -- The file, 'skills\core_diggle64', was not found. Line 7, Position: 9 -- The spell, 'Summon Diggle', was not found. (I defined the spell in spellDB,I suppose the error "The 'spell' element is not declared" could have a role in this)
You seem to be missing the <spellDB> and </spellDB> tags. That should clear up part of the mess. The other part should be cleared up by putting .png at the end of the image locations.
So, in spellDB.xml, you need to start the file with <spellDB> and end it with </spellDB>. In skillDB.xml, you need to have an icon in the /skills folder (as in, your main zip file needs to have a skills folder in it, and that folder needs to have an icon file called core_diggle64.png".) I think that's all. If the dredmod tutorial doesn't include the whole <spellDB></spellDB> thing, you might want to PM Alistair and tell him.
It seems I've run into another problem,the 64px size of the core_diggle image is too big for windowed mode,and the 32px size is too small for fullscreen,how do I make it automatically adjust to 64px or 32px when changing to and from fullscreen. (EDIT) Curse my utter and complete lack of description,I meant the icon for the actual ability,derp (/EDIT)
If you mean giving skills two icons (smaller and larger) to use interchangeably depending on which one is needed, just take a look at the code for core stuff (or alternatively, at any mod which either adds or modifies skills). It's pretty easy to find.
Yeah, you need to make two icons, one of each size, and refer to them separately as appropriate. SkillDB.xml icons, for example, should be 64 pixels, whereas SpellDB.xml icons vary between 32 (for skills themselves and for smallicons on buffs) and 64 (for icons on buffs.)