Are there any mods out there that fix/change the craft interface to make it more usable? I like the idea of crafting, but every time i think i'll go do it i just get fed-up and tired of flipping through the craft interface and running around my pocket dimension trying to remember/find/keep/organize the various components, etc. It's such a pain in the ass. Right now i'm even running a very successful craft centered build, but i'm just to annoyed at the moment to even bother crafting the basics, like health potions, etc. Any suggestions? Apologies if there's already a thread somewhere about this... couldn't find one.
The UI isn't moddable; proximity to the UI code, even without opening the actual files, causes small children to burst into tears and spontaneously ignite. I've already suggested that the game treat items in the pocket dimension as in-hand for crafting when the player is in the pocket dimension with them. The changelogs suggest the next update makes the crafting filters update in realtime. However, I wouldn't be expecting Dredmor changes until after Clockwork Empires gets at least one post-release Even More Perfectly Safe Patch.
Well, seeing as Clockwork Empires is scheduled for release in like nine months, I should hope that Dredmor gets a little attention between now and then. We do have a patch in RC stage right now, which means we should in theory have it in reality by like Easter at the latest.
Oh well. Thanks for the response guys. So the crafting mods that do exist out there are just new/changed recipes, new ingredient items, etc.?? Any recomendations?