Think it'd be nice if, sure, you'd have to find the appropriate kit first, and could sell extras you find, but that 1st kit discovered would "vanish" and an appropriate icon on the toolbar would light up, indicating you had the necessary kit to use certain crafting recipes. Just posting it now as I'd forget about it later . The Pocket Dimension is the Bee's Knees, but now it's moving back and forth, picking them up, crafting, putting them dowwwwwn . . . .
I do really like that idea, if there was a little button (because it could clutter the screen at lower resolutions)
I'll second (third?) this - having a "Utility Belt" for the crafting kits would be a VERY nice thing.
We discussed this a long time ago and agreed that it would have been a good idea. It's a non-trivial UI change and there are other non-trivial UI changes that have more impact on quality of life and are therefore higher priority so this is not an obvious move for make for us. So, answer: "I don't know", but we're aware of the idea.
It just occurred to me, something a little easier, not involving a UI alteration. As an alternative: In the Pocket Dimension, you could have your very own lab! Have a small room, seperated by a door or whatnot (with a sign, "Mad Doktor at work, enter at your own risk!"). Inside this room are lab stations, tables, that is. All the tables start out dark. When you find kits, you take them down to the lab, and use them to create/activate that specific table. The table lights up (a light bulb or something or nifty animation). The kit is consumed in the process. It's not portable, no, but it's ease of use - you just walk up to a table to craft that specific craft. If you want portable you'd have to find (or perhaps create) a "modular" one. And of course you don't have to do this, you can wait until you find two of them, then use one to activate that lab table in your PD.