Different overseers seem to create different workers?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Drakka, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. Drakka

    Drakka Member

    I've noticed that as you place workers under different overseers that they change from one form to another (ie, labourers become foresters, or farmers, ect), Has anyone else noticed this and is there a chart explaining the position each overseer will change the worker into?
  2. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Normal behaviour; vicars get congregants, etc. No chart that I'm aware of, unless someone has added it into the wiki by now, but I don't know of anything that gets affected other than visuals. Also, swapping them to another work group should apply the new overseer's lower class assistant type immediately.
  3. The Visuals are affected by the Overseer's skills. An Overseer good at resource collection will turn their labourers into foresters (even if they got good at resource collection via mining) foraging does nothing I don't believe. Vicars get congregants, NCO's get Militia or Footsoldiers, I don't think foraging or artisans get any special types.