This also happens on my Windows box, both running v1.0.8. As soon as the recipe pops up the game crashes me to desktop. Incredibly frustrating to have happen right after clearing a zoo >.<
While I know that my words here don't solve anything, 1.0.8 is not the newest version of the game, which you probably want to have if you want it not to crash (there still is 1, or possibly 2, recipes in this version that do crash the game, but it's much better than in the version you are now playing).
I suppose I should have clarified, since I was actually just guessing at the version number: I have the latest version of DoD. I thought it was 1.0.8, but since the Mac Dredmor doesn't update the dropdown menu About Dredmor properly, I was just hazarding a guess.
Then you just got the one (or one of two) recipe that crashes the game, and the only thing you actually can do is to wait for the next update, unless you know anything about editing .xml files (not that difficult, either way) and simply change the recipe for it from hidden to known.
Oh, okay. That's actually not too bad. I know how to do that stuff, more or less, thanks to being a software engineer, but I've never actually had the motivation. Thanks!