Don't Understand the Job System

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Scott Macias, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. Scott Macias

    Scott Macias Member

    Does the character's title matter at all?
    For example, if one of the worker's is a "Miner," will they do better at mining and worse at other things? Can they do other things at all? Can Laborers do everything?
    What's the difference between an Overseer and an Artisan? Will they ONLY oversee certain projects?
    And will there be a way to change their jobs in the future, or will they always stay the same?
  2. Deaghaidh

    Deaghaidh Member

    What makes me scratch my head is how often I see idle work crews but many, many jobs that need doing. I hadn't disabled any job types either.
  3. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Keep your job queue short. When I have between 5-10 jobs, practically every crew is busy working, all the time. When you queue up a gigantic list of tasks, the chance for job interference increases exponentially.

    e.g. You've ordered up 5 cots for your lower class housing, all of which require planks, all of which require logs, all of which require someone to chop a tree.

    If you queue all of those up at the same time, an Overseer will claim the Lower Class housing, and his entire crew will idle until there are planks. The crew assigned to the Lumber Mill will idle until there are logs, etc. Your giant, unnecessarily long list is causing idleness.

    The solution is to assign jobs only as they become necessary.
  4. Scott Macias

    Scott Macias Member

    Genius, that totally makes sense.

    That still leaves that question, however, if they're job title matters at all?
  5. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Nothing in this game works exactly as intended yet
  6. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    1. I think the title does matter. For example, a soldier cannot cut down trees etc etc. From what I gather, each class ie - miner, metalworker, farmer and labourer can all do every job except combat obviously which is left for your Military Regiments.

    2. An Overseer can actually do jobs, most can do any job. The only one's which are specific are the Military one's which are Officers/Nco's who can only do Military combat and carry objects like what most Soldiers can do. As for Special Classes, the only ones who cannot do most jobs are Upper Class and such. They are restricted to carrying items whenever they feel like it I believe.

    3. The Devs do plan to change the way in which jobs work and have plans in the works. They have already stated via Steam forums that Military Combat and the way in which their jobs are handled will be addressed or improved in the coming month(s).