It seems that the Dungeons of Dredmor Wiki at is currently down. Does anyone know why, and/if when it will be back up? And is there any other source for the real details to the skills? I'm a bit of a min/max kind of guy, and as much as I love Dungeon's of Dredmor, I hate how vague the skill descriptions can be.
We'll check it out, thanks for telling us. The other main place to look at skills and stuff is, but it's a bit outdated. (no more outdated than the wiki, though.)
Alright. And I've used the Dredmorpedia on several occasions, but I run on a pretty low end machine and I just can't handle both it and Dredmor itself unfortunately.
There's a more updated one,, but it's slower than the j-factor one. Edit: I failed to realize that the J-Factor one recently got updated since I last checked. As for the Stosic one, for some reason it shows ONLY Expansion stuff(no vanilla stuff). I'd highly recommend the J-factor one.
I asked Derek and he said it's not ours (it was a little confusing because there was two general wikis, neither one ours, which is ours and then j-factor and that other one.) Anyways, this one is still up though I don't know how outdated it is.