Dual Wielding Animations

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Bohandas, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I've noticed that although the game has different animations to reflect what class of weapon you are wielding, it doesn't have any animations that reflect if you are wielding two different classes of weapon at once. It would be cool if there was.

    EDIT: OK, new idea. What if it instead alternated between the two relevant animations (IIRC as it is it picks one and sticks with it) if the two weapons were of different types.
  2. j3st3r

    j3st3r Member


    Also if you're using a shield would be nice to be seen.

    I've always hoped that the hero's appearance would change according the equipment he's wearing.
    e.g. there would be 3 different archetypes according to the torso armor in use; Fighter, Wizard, and rogue. (the original appearance could be used as rogues)
  3. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    This has been discussed before and it's my understanding that different animations for different equipment adds up to an obscene amount of work. Though I think a different sprite set to show your most prominent archetype would be cool, it's up to the developer's to decide how feasible, and worthwhile, the work would be.
  4. Megaron

    Megaron Member

    It would be lovely if it would play the animations for both the weapons one after the other, then show the damage.
  5. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Oh. I get it. Yeah, because they'd have to do every combination of weapons... two swords, sword and axe, sword and mace, mace and axe, mace and dagger, dagger and polearm, mace and polearm etc. etc. etc.

    That's a good point.
  6. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    OK, new idea. What if it instead alternated between the two relevant animations (IIRC as it is it picks one and sticks with it) if the two weapons were of different types.

    Also, I agree with the suggestion that someone made for a shield bash animation, but only if it doesn't play for orbs and similar pseudo-shields