Egyptian Magic skill/spell interaction wierdness

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Lunix Vandal, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Lunix Vandal

    Lunix Vandal Member

    A little digging in the expansion3 spellDB seems to indicate that a large number of the Banksterism skills and buff/debuffs are supposed to have a chance of setting up a Pyramid Scheme with which to fuel further Banksterism shenanigans. Being a Pyramid scheme, the proc naturally requires the player to have "Mark of Imhotep" active at the time ... but no such spell exists in any of the official spellDBs, since Egypt's second spell is the Glyph of Imhotep.

    Within the confines of Egyptian Magic, the Asp/Imhotep/Sandstorm interaction is a little wonky.
    1. When the player hits something with GotA active, there "should" be a chance of hitting the target with an Asp Poison Cloud. This never actually happens, since it requires "Glyph of Sandstorm" to be active, which doesn't exist.
    2. When the player is hit with both GotA and GoI active, there's a chance of surrounding the player with Asp Poison Clouds, which in turn grant Asp Empowerment to the player. When the poison clouds are summoned by this effect, it always creates a max stack (3 layers deep, that is) of the buff -- probably since the defensive cloud proc is a template, but the buff is a "self" spell called by the cloud spell itself. Same thing happens when using Call the Nile with both GotA and GoI active -- the template makes four clouds, each of which applies a stack of Empowerment.
    3. Similarly, when the player casts Call the Sandstorm with GotA active, the resulting spellmines have a 50% chance of spawning an Asp Poison Cloud whenever something walks through them. These, in turn, give the player a stack of Asp Empowerment -- each -- if GoI is active. While not the defensive-proc's instant-max-stack, using Sandstorm on groups of monsters with lots of glyphs active (as was intended by the Egyptian Diggle Gods) will at least grant a max-stack very quickly and very frequently.
    4. Meanwhile, CtS+GoI will (from the player's perspective) proc Test of Time all of exactly once, since it's a permanent, no-upkeep buff that doesn't stack. Is there a particular reason why it's debuff counterpart (Ruin of Time) doesn't affect Demons or Vegetables?
    5. Back to the defensive cloudburst: The Asp Poison Cloud does asphyx damage (which Asp Empowerment doesn't grant resist against) and affects the caster (i.e. you), so having the cloudburst proc when you're trying to get away (or have suddenly realized that you need to do so) is ... counterproductive at best. Similarly, the toxic component of the cloud's damage will overtake GotA and Asp Empowerment's resistances once the player hits 50-ish Magic Power. This is mostly an issue of "the player shouldn't get hosed by things he has no control over, like a 'defensive' proc happening at exactly the wrong time," though, so YMMV.
    EDIT: 6. Call the Nile is supposed to have an extra effect for each active glyph, but the one for Glyph of the Eye of Ra (The Unconquered Sun) doesn't trigger. (The name of the buff Call the Nile looks for is missing the "the.")