I just lost a character a mage character on level ten (DM difficulty) with the following skills Promethean Magic Viking Wizardry Alchemy Blood Magic Leyline walker Tourist Killer Vegan I am not sure what killed my actually, but somehow my 160 hp disappeared, and my death message said, stepped on a spell mine. I am wondering if I wandered into my own fire. I am planning to try again with a similar build, but I am a little concerned with my results. Besides for Killer Vegan, I was all mage, and I went entirely for mage gear. As a result, I had about 50 Magic power and 30 haywire chance I think. However, that only did about 60 points of damage to monster, unless they were resistant. That was okay for floor 10, but I think I would be eaten alive on Floor 15. What sort of damage should a damage be doing on the lowest floors, is there something I am missing here?
was like 2 years ago I played a promethean, but it should be able to kill 95% of enemies in the game and if you face really high hp guys use mathemagician (arithmancer what is it called?), those curses are prolly the strongest singletarget damage in the game.
You died to a trap. High level traps do alot of damage, especially if you have high magic power. Increase your Trap Sight Radius so you can actually see the traps from far away. Edit: This is why I like playing as a Rogue. My favourite builds usually use some mix of Rogue and Warrior abilities. Call me a Pirate if you will(that's the corresponding build), but I can still stealth and vanish(cause I tend to pick Burglary often).
TBH, I find Mathemagic completely useless if it weren't for the teleports. You've got High Mana cost Debuffs and DoTs that do very little damage. It's one of the skills I pick mainly only for Froda's Jump Discontinuity.(Or if I'm playing as the Fragile Bill Nye)
I'm a bit surprised you had no trouble with Floor 9, which is fire...seeing as how you had promethean. One strategy some people have tried in the past is to skip a floor that has monsters they're weak against, then return to clear it out later once they've leveled a bit. Wands, throwables, and bolts are also handy for working around tricky enemies. Especially items that give you distance or survive, like handy wand, concussion bomb, bolas, coral wand, etc. Stone wand can create bottlenecks. Bony wand can create some emergency Zomby distractions. With alchemy you could make some invis potions. Also, there are some elemental resist encrusts which give you a huge advantage compared to other crafting focuses (i guess to make up for weaker mages late).
That's what I was forced to do with Floor 13 on my Pure Rogue run. The Diggle Rocketeers would kill me very easily, every time if I hadn't skipped that floor. Their Rocket Punch not only cripped my Dodge chance(which made monsters actually able to hit me), but also stunned me for enough turns to get 2-3 shotted without any chance of escape. Edit: I never did return to that floor after Killing Lord Dredmor.
You do know that the dot stacks and scales really well with magic power. I haven't played it since a long time ago but I'm pretty sure I just stacked 5 dots on dredmor blinked around so he couldnt hit me once and he died ^^
Which is why we need more Wizard skills that combine utility(healing/teleport/item grabbing/polymorph enemy) with missile spells that scale to magic power. There are very few True missile spells in vanilla, Obvious Fireball being one of them. Edit: Does Obvious Fireball do any damage to dredmor at level 30 with 4 Maxed Wizard Skills on a 2 Rogue/warrior, 5 Wizard Build?