Endless playthrough

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by MithranArkanere, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. Although "New Game+" do not exactly fit rogue-likes, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be one.
    I believe there's a lot of fun to be had with crazy combinations we wouldn't have otherwise.
    I found a couple of threads with a similar idea, but not similar enough to this particular take.

    I think it would fit this game, if it was done like this:

    - When last level is completed and the game ends, it gets saved.
    - Loading that save propts you to the same level, and in place of the last monster, there's a 'Time portal'. You can go back to the rest of the dungeon and explore, and when you are done with anything you wanted to do, you can go back anytime to the portal and enter it.
    Going into the portal sends you "back in time" into a "New Game+" screen, that lets you start a new random dungeon from the start with that character, and choose a few things, but not others.

    Thanks to this:
    - You get to pick an additional skill that gets added to the ones you already had, until there's no more skills to get. Eventually you'll be able to learn all skills. All of them. ALL. (Additionally, there could be a new "Grindmaster" achievement for managing to learn all skill in all skill trees by looping again and again).
    - All recipes learned are kept, allowing you to eventually learn all of them too.
    - All items you had in your inventory are transferred to the next playthrough... but not with you.

    - Monsters get slightly stronger and give slightly more experience with each playthrough.
    - The level of the character gets reverted back to 1.
    - All your skills are reverted back to 0.
    - Although the items you had are carried over, you start only with the starting items from your skills. The items you had are kept by 'forcing' them to appear in the dungeon randomly. This means that the item you wanted to keep the most may appear right before the next end. Since only the items you had on yourself when you went though the portal carry over, if you don't find them again, those items will be lost for good, and won't carry over to the next playthrough.
    - Any pending quests you had are removed too.
    - You can't change the game settings. Character name, difficulty, permadeath, no time to grind, selected DLCs and any other similar setting would stay the same.
    - Only achievements related to character deaths and this New game+ loops themselves would work in subsequent loops. All other achievements would be way easier to get, since the character would be more powerful with the increased skills and have more recipes, so they become disabled.