Enhance Auto-loot for bolts you've shot.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by 0x517A5D, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. 0x517A5D

    0x517A5D Member

    How about picking up any bolt you've shot as soon as you move next to it, much like gold is treated now? For convenience, you see. (I always wanted this in Nethack.)

    Not any random stack of bolts, just the ones you've shot.

    And the same for throwables, I suppose.
  2. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Except that currently AFAIK, the game doesn't differentiate between shot bolts and any that are just laying on the floor.
  3. 0x517A5D

    0x517A5D Member

    Yes, I know. I'm requesting a code change.

    Either a true/false bitflag is needed, or simply assume that single-item 'stacks' should be grabbed.
  4. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Except that sometimes I have had to shoot a monster and it was standing on the same tile for 4 or 5 shots. Potentially making a stack of 4 or 5 bolts. I do understand what you mean with the bit flag though. It might be a lot harder to implement than you would think. It depends on the code structure of the game. I wouldn't mind it doing this.

    On a semi-related topic:

    I would like to be able to make items that can enhance recoverybuff. As far as I know, this is hardcoded as part of the thrown items and crossbow skills.
  5. eskr

    eskr Member

    If you were to do this (and I doubt Dredmor will be updated for this now) you would just have any item on the ground that is (A) stackable and (B) already in your inventory treated as 'gold-like' for pick-up purposes (i.e. picked up even when the pick-up flag is off, I don't mean a pick-up radius increase, of course).

    You would have to manually pick up the first bolt if you emptied your stack, but otherwise this would accomplish the same thing.
  6. Lucentdepths

    Lucentdepths Member

    This could also be potentially accomplished by creating a secondary listing of every bolt/thrown item (aside from stuff you cant recover like flasks).

    Fire/throw item > item is changed into its 'alternate "fired" version" and these versions would be automatically picked up. They would also have to be excluded from the regular RNG tables for item drops.

    However they would then become a separate item, creating separate inventory stacks unless upon being picked up they converted back into the 'unfired' versions.

    Anyway its done would require coding, the extent of which we dont really know. Its possible the foundation for item transmutation on events (such as firing/picking up) already exists, but if it doesn't exist, this is potentially a lot of work.

    It would be an amazing convenience addition to the game however.