Windows Vista/7 32-bit Escape doesn't close crafting window?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by spiderweb1986, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. spiderweb1986

    spiderweb1986 Member

    Title is pretty self explanatory. I've noticed that pressing Escape will close EVERY other window in the game - character, inventory, Lutefisk cube - but not the crafting pane.

    I can't imagine that this would be intentional. If it is, I'm curious as to what the reasoning is. :)
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Known bug, not intentional.
  3. tannim

    tannim Member

    actually, for cheat crafting it's kind of handy. I was making a mechanical axe or clockwork axe or whatever. Every time I made it has different enchantments. I just left it open, save and quit, load autosave and try again every time. The craft window stayed open between load and close so I just clicked Craft and opened inventory to see what worthless enchantment I got each time. Took a long time to get something decent, as always.