Expansion pack suggestion: The Gate of Dig-Sothoth

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Bohandas, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Ok, so I had an idea for an expansion. Basically, the concept would be that the game continues after you defeat Lord Dredmor because Dredmor has opened a portal to the Far Realm/Dungeon Dimensions/Xen/Xoriot/Immaterium/etc. that you can go through and fight more monsters. Through the portal would basically be a survival-mode area.

    One possibility for this area to make it quirky and unique, and I have no idea if you could make this work but it would be really cool if it did, is that the map on this area would stay centered on the player and areas that fell off the edge of the map would be forgotten by the game and replaced by newly generated rooms if the player returned that way; the Realm of the Diggly Old Ones is in constant flux. If this isn't plausible then there could just be an unlimited supply of additional conventional floors with lots of rooms similar to the teleporter rooms from the Wizardlands.

    Ideas for other Features of this expansion:

    -Recieve the blessings of Diggle Hastur, Diggle Cthulhu, and Diggle Nyarlathotep*
    -High level versions of Octos and Mushys
    -New oozes and demons
    -Fight avatars of the Gray Worm That Burrows In The Sky (but is vacationing underground)
    -Monster spawn rate increases the deeper you go in the new area
    -Displacement Glyphs and Mysterious Portals become slightly more common in the new area

    *The blessing of Diggle Nyarlathotep could perhaps boost all crafting skills by one and heavily buff Sagacity, Savvy, and Existential damage (maybe slight bumps to aethereal, transmutative, and necromantic damage too) but come with a massive penalty to magic resistance.
    Kyrie and Vitellozzo like this.
  2. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    Endless mode.
    The character is bound to die.