Extra inventory space?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Zhyn, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Zhyn

    Zhyn Member

    Seems I have a ninth column? Only goes down 5 rows. Tried this on several builds with the same results. On steam, running 1.08.
    I did buy Realm of the Diggle Gods if that matters at all.
  2. aggelon

    aggelon Member

    Known UI bug (already in 1.0.6): it's actually the first column of the next row ;)
  3. I'm wondering if there really is a bug with the inventory space though. In the changelog, it said "2x inventory". Is that referring to inventory space? If it is, that would be a bug since we have the same amount of space as before. Or is this referring to something else?
  4. Zhyn

    Zhyn Member

    It's referring to the bigger UI option now available.