Farms, and Farmers, and ummm, Bears? Oh my!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Jim Andrews, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Jim Andrews

    Jim Andrews Member

    So I was just wondering recently, does anyone have a good handle yet on farming and the work crew(s) required? Specifically, I'm wondering...

    1. How many farms can be worked by one crew (assume a max size farm);
    2. How many Farmers are required in each crew to effectively farm one (or more) farm(s);
    3. Will a large work crew split its farmers to tend to multiple farms or jobs at the same time;
    4. Do more Farmers in a work crew reduce the time required per farm job/action (planting, tending, harvesting);
    5. Does crop type affect any of the above;
    6. Bears are scary.
    Any input is appreciated.