Finishing Diggle Hell

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by Kezair, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Kezair

    Kezair Member

    Background info: I'm playing a Elvishly Easy caster, no permadeath (because my Going Rogue permadeath caster got one-shot by Vlad Digula, and I wanted to finish exploring). I am also using 2 mods, both of which just add more taunts to the enemies.
    A few questions:
    1. Is Vlad Digula supposed to be unique? In my Diggle Hell run, there were 2 of them in the same instance.
    2. When I left Diggle Hell, ALL items in my inventory were deleted. I was assuming this was because I prayed to the Diggle Devil, (tooltip says something along the lines of "paying later") but upon reloading the game and NOT praying to the devil, I still lost all my items upon returning to the pocket dimension.
    3. My game crashes as soon as I leave the pocket dimension. Reloading and trying multiple things all end up in crashes. I read something in the forums how this was a bug related to Mysterious Portals: does this happen to Diggle Hell/Wizardlands as well, or is it just bad luck for my file? If this is unintended, should I upload my save file, or post in bug reports, or something else?
    EDIT: I also lose the Diggle Devil buff as soon as I leave Diggle Hell. None of my other buffs are removed. Not sure if this is related to my inventory vanishing, separate, or if it's intended.
    Thanks for any info!
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Re:1. There can be more than one Vlad. It doesn't happen very often, but it does from time to time.
    Re:2. That isn't supposed to happen.
    Re:3. Neither is that.