Background info: I'm playing a Elvishly Easy caster, no permadeath (because my Going Rogue permadeath caster got one-shot by Vlad Digula, and I wanted to finish exploring). I am also using 2 mods, both of which just add more taunts to the enemies. A few questions: 1. Is Vlad Digula supposed to be unique? In my Diggle Hell run, there were 2 of them in the same instance. 2. When I left Diggle Hell, ALL items in my inventory were deleted. I was assuming this was because I prayed to the Diggle Devil, (tooltip says something along the lines of "paying later") but upon reloading the game and NOT praying to the devil, I still lost all my items upon returning to the pocket dimension. 3. My game crashes as soon as I leave the pocket dimension. Reloading and trying multiple things all end up in crashes. I read something in the forums how this was a bug related to Mysterious Portals: does this happen to Diggle Hell/Wizardlands as well, or is it just bad luck for my file? If this is unintended, should I upload my save file, or post in bug reports, or something else? EDIT: I also lose the Diggle Devil buff as soon as I leave Diggle Hell. None of my other buffs are removed. Not sure if this is related to my inventory vanishing, separate, or if it's intended. Thanks for any info!
Re:1. There can be more than one Vlad. It doesn't happen very often, but it does from time to time. Re:2. That isn't supposed to happen. Re:3. Neither is that.