Code: <job name="Create Dungeon" display_name="Create Dungeon" mandatory_eval="0"> <requires_resource_source type="lich" flag="DREDMOR" amount="1" tag="lich"/> <requires_stockpile type="diggles" tag="stockpile"/> <utility> <base_job_utility weight="1"/> <distance_from tag="bush" weight="-1"/> </utility> <fsm> <walk_to tag="dredmor"/> <harvest tag="diggles"/> <walk_to tag="dungeon"/> <drop_item_in_stockpile tag="stockpile"/> </fsm> <event importance="10000" longevity="1"> <newspaper headline="[CITIZEN] Builds Dungeon, Threatens The Globe" subline="Hero Requested To Sort Out This Miscreant Lich" norton="how could [CITIZEN] become Dredmor and start up a Dungeon"/> <poem type="die die die we're all going to die"/> <art type="daggle"/> <element name="[CITIZEN]" plural="0"/> </event> </job>