This may have already been mentioned, but FFS fix the damn follower AI. They can trap you in 1 wide corridors that have dead ends. When they're not busy doing that you have to do these stupid dances to work around them 80% of the time in other situations because they follow the player too damn closely. All that would be required is having the AI maintain a 1 tile distance from the player UNLESS the AI has a specific task OTHER than following the player such as attacking a monster. If a player gets stuck in a 1 wide dead end and has nowhere to go when the player moves to leave the AI should move to maintain its 1 tile distance in the only direction it can, AWAY FROM THE PLAYER, unless it is being attacked or attacking an enemy. Seriously, it is so irritating the way they follow you now. How can this not have been addressed? That is all.
You can move through them with WASD. You're right though it should be consistent between control schemes.
I'd really like there to be a different kind of fix. Turns out that summoned creatures seem to completely ignore the chicken AI tag, as well as the "cast spell" AND "onhit" info. I was very sad.