Fixing Mana/Health regen bonuses

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RaustBlackDragon, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Health regen and mana regen, due to the current regen system, are overpowered on easy mode and nigh useless on hard mode. currently it subtracts one from a counter until you regain a health/mana point. When this is a low number, an additional regen bonus is massive, but when you currently have a high number of turns to wait, as is the case in hard mode, this regen bonus is almost negligible.

    So I recommend one of the following:

    1: Scrap the regeneration differences between modes altogether, and make it a flat regeneration rate constant between difficulty levels.

    2: Change the regeneration system so that your regeneration bonus plus X is ADDED to a counter every turn, and you regain a point when that counter reaches maximum. That way, no matter what the counter's top value is set to, regeneration bonuses will be identical in impact on all difficulty levels.
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Umm...doesn't that kind of negate the point of different levels being...uhh...different?
  3. No, what I mean is, getting ley lines on easy mode gives you pretty much perpetual booze-fuel level mana regen, while on hard mode that quadrupling is cut to half, meaning the stat itself has less impact on the game. In easy mode, you'd have to be insane not to use ley lines with a mage build, but on hard mode it's not nearly as beneficial. The entire skill tree itself is made comparatively less useful between difficulty modes, which shouldn't be the case.
  4. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    one thing that might help is to remove that 1 point/turn cap. it is basically useless after floor 10. if you could regenerate 2-3 a turn (especially hp) it might become a more viable strategy in the longterm.
    Essence likes this.
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That's very true. It would be cool if you could get something like "15 points of life regen gives you 1 point per tun plus an additional point every 12 turns".
    Wi§p likes this.
  6. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    "are overpowered on easy mode" Not sure if serious about health regeneration...or just Magic regeneration.

    I agree with magic being over powered, but I hate magic. I like stabbing things. Mages are squishy, I rarely play them in games.

    But I've never reached a health regen point on Easy where I restore health faster than I can take damage. For me, that's balanced enough.
    However, a reduction in the extreme penalties on the higher difficulties would be fine.
    If the whole regeneration thing was overhauled.
    At the moment, Going Rogue seems to be almost realistic in the time it takes you to heal. :) Seriously, I think I would recover from a tiny cut, I.e 1 damage more faster than 15 turns. :)
  7. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    I support this, especially the idea that Essence suggested. If that was combined with a slight balance change to the health system, :life_regen: would seem a bit more reasonable.. Because currently you have basically no :life_regen: in the beginning and by the time you are at a higher floor its easily one :life: per turn, which then becomes near useless late game. I also think that food should have better effects late game.. one per :life: turn for 50 turns? Why not two :life: for 25 turns? or etcetera. Better food should heal more :life: faster right?
  8. health regen pre-Diggle Gods made vampirism almost a no-brainer until it got nerfed hard.

    I think there is an issue here, but solvable by buffing vampirism and buffing health regen on GR.

    Vampirism idea: Level 3-4 skill "Undiscerning Taste".

    Description: Hearing about the famed Vampire Ducks, you learn how to suck blood out of the proverbial turnip.

    Effect: allows you to drain life from any creature (at demon rates)