Yeah, I've discovered through my testing of quickstep, a skill from my mod, that if an AOE is large enough to go past the boundaries of the map, the game crashes.
Here it is. It uses a custom template which doesn't work by default, but if you copy and paste it into the mantemplateDB.xml, it should work... and by work I mean crash. I had to shrink it repeatedly. As you can see, originally it was larger than any existing template, but I had to shrink the height to eventually 9 in order to stop the crash from happening at the top of the map, and that's SHORTER than one of the existing templates, so this bug could crop up in the existing game. At any rate, 9 isn't tall enough for quickstep to work properly, so I really appreciate you looking into this! EDIT: See next post, I was mistaken.
Quick clarification: This only happens when you're near the edges of the map, such that the AOE actually extends past the defined game space. And again, the offending move is Quickstep.
Did you add the template in the mantemplatedb file to the vanilla game's mantemplateDB? mantemplatedb is bugged, and they have to be added manually.
Obviously, he's their Secret Weapon Power Coder, and has been primarily tasked to work on Odin. Now that his abilities are being brought to bear on Dredmor, 1.0.10 will fix ALL THE THINGS! The low cost of 5 soul points and 11 sanity points is a bargain, too.
Indeed ! Or maybe its that he just finished programming the whole code of Odin in a matter of 2 months ( the only things missing being the art and music ) so he comes back to the rescue.