Physical Geography What kind of world are we talking about? Is it a Pangaea? or are there six physically contiguous continents? Political Geography What sorties of countries/kingdoms/empires exist in this world? Generation Is the world static drawn by hand? or procedurally generated each time you play? Or some combination of both? Please tell us as much as you can, even if it only exists on paper!
Square and flat. The Empire, naturally, is at the center of the world. You have already heard about Stahlmark and Noyvrus...
If you plan on writing another article, it would be an interesting subject. especially if you could elucidate us on the details of world generation on the macro level. Now that I think about it, this might be a premature subject to broach at this point in time.
Apparently the world is not square, it is round. (Corrections from Citizen Daniel's Department of Corrections Inc.) It's still flat, though. If you go far enough you mainly see THE COLOR FROM SPACE (which is sort of dark brown really)
What about Ulm? there are several references to a place called Ulm in Dredmor. I was quite taken with the place. Is a city/town/locality of Stahlmark? *cough* But it's a perfectly legitimate name for a Stahlmarkian duchy, naturlich!