Getting Pocket Dimension Blockers From Achievements

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Megaron, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Megaron

    Megaron Member

    The pocket dimension needs some more blockers, badly. Therefore, I propose the following: Achieveing an achievement grants you a related blocker to change the magical statues to.

    For instance, getting The Magic of the Wizard's Hangover would grant the pile of empty bottles seen in most Wizardlands...
    Getting Tom Marvolo Riddle Award for Scholastic Merit would grant the pile of books also seen inside Wizardlands...
    Getting "Fruit" would grant a tree with fruit on it (cosmetic, of course)...
    Getting The Sea is a Cruel Mistress would, ironically enough, grant you an aquarium...
    So on, so forth.

    If we're going to get really fancy, skill tree completion achievements could feature a statue of Browz/ette dressed as the class, or bearing items that relate to that class.

    (Also, for the killing Dredmor achievements, non-permadeath has a staute of Lord Dredmor with bronze/silver/gold eyes and a correspondently colored plaque, and permadeath would be statues of entirely bronze/silver/gold, with blue/yellow/red eyes respectively.)

    FaxCelestis and Frelus like this.
  2. DragonDai

    DragonDai Member

    Me likey ALL of this...I am super excited about blinging out my pocket dimension.
  3. adelmagne

    adelmagne Member

    also, wall decor!!
  4. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    I would also love it if the "get killed by x" achievements would give you a statue of said x.
    +1, too
  5. Heartnet

    Heartnet Member


    Great idea