So despite having this game for a while, embarrassingly I've never found out how to order my regiment to attack fish people. Why isn't it like it is with bandits where you click the bandit and order an attack?
Goto Work Crews, sort (or scroll down to your) Military Squads, it's the second most right of the 4 icons above the members of the work crew. Set Squad Rally Point, above the work crew. Click it, and then place the marker where you want the sqaud to rally. The 4 icons are, Add Available Worker, Remove Worker, Set Squad Rally Point, Retire Unit. Hope this helps.
Far as the future goes, the devs' stated design goal is to not give attack commands, or rally in response to a threat; the idea is that your defenses be set up well in advance, and that preparation determines battle outcome, as the individual soldier AIs handle tactical movement, target selection, etc. Obviously, the current implementation is a work in progress and isn't there yet, while the priority is on hunting down crashes and fixing save/load bugs.