Guarantee spawning of at least 1 mysterious portal per level

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Warlock, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Suggestion as per title. Just because. Maybe make it unique to Going Rogue but eh, I would like a guaranteed portal spawn.
    Bohandas likes this.
  2. I'd love at least a guaranteed one portal per character, kind of thing, considering that I only found my first Mysterious Portal a few weeks ago. I get the sense that one per level would be overkill? But I don't know, I've never actually gone in one.
  3. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    It's overkill at low levels to be sure but nobody who knows what they do will go inside, unless they have some levels under their belts. It's good for great gear at low levels if you play it smart and have skills that do actual damage, but the risk is that enemies from all 15 floors can spawn, so god help you if you run into muscle diggles at low level.
  4. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Muscle diggles? Hah I can handle one thing. I spawned in one with like 20 monsters surrounding me. Never have I had that before... in previous builds, you would start in a room with maybe 1-2 rooms and keep opening doors with surprises in them. Now they really are hard to justify going in.
    Kyrie likes this.
  5. Kyrie

    Kyrie Member

    Well, as I'm playing ultimately, THERE IS one MPortal per floor, and I dont think it is "Luck".
  6. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    oh man, really? I did find one on level 2 but none on floor 1, can't go any further since I have to explore wizardlands anyway.
  7. phasmy

    phasmy Member

    I have gone entire games without seeing more than one mysterious portal and I explore each floor thoroughly.
  8. Killer2

    Killer2 Member

    Why would anyone want more of the damn things? They always end up killing you at low levels anyway!
  9. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    When in doubt, use your brains. Any character build can beat a mysterious portal at or around level 4, which is when gear quality compared to enemy power starts dropping off. And who says you have to kill everything? /troll face
  10. Killer2

    Killer2 Member

    Oh well...I don't know. Only been in a portal once. Will probably try again when I find another.
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Get a teleport skill and/or an invisibility skill. Lockdown is also good. And hoard bolts/throwables.

    The only time I died in a mysterious portal was on my first playthrough, and I learned the difference between a diggle and an archdiggle then.
  12. Kyrie

    Kyrie Member

    Well, the mysterious portals stopped appearing every floor.

    And I was sad that it doesn't spawns minibosses anymore. So no Aeternaut Helm Early for me =/