So I have a little bit of money set aside, and I'm aware my computer could do with a bit of pepping up. I've known this for a while but the performance of CE has spurred me on to properly considering some upgrades.Current set up is Windows 7 x64, 6GB RAM, 3GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with a Geforce GTS 250. However, with £200, I can probably only do one thing well. New motherboard+processor (likely shift up to an i5) New Graphics Card (thinking an Nvidia GTX760) New SSD hard drive (whatever I can get!) My main issue with CE is low frame rate and generally jerky responsiveness. With the caveat that I realise that whatever is not upgraded may bottleneck the newer component, does anyone have any views on what I would be best directing my money to?
Maybe a Dev can weigh in here, but my opinion is that the SSD is the least crucial upgrade on that list - SSD will improve smoothness on games / applications that require a lot of writing / reading to the disk (typically streaming textures and loading levels) and Clockwork Empires is no Witcher 3. What this game does have in spades is lots of little tasks running in parallel, which sounds like a job for *take off glasses* CPU Man. A newer graphic card will help with graphics-related issue, but not processor load. So, off the top of my head, I'd say your priorities are: 1) Mobo + CPU 2) Graphic Card 3) SSD
Thanks for the well reasoned responses. CPU was my gut feeling so glad to have some supporting views. Looks like its option 1 then!
Actually if your cpu is running at 3ghz thats not bad at all. The duo means you have two "brains" one for each task. The common interference in computer is a blockage or something holding another object down. I do think in your situation that if you bumped the gpu to a 760 (which isn't a bad idea at all) that the Duo might not be able to handle it. Ah well. Good luck my friend.