As the title says, I'm wishing everyone (Yes, even you. No, not you, you) a happy holiday season, irrespective and irregardless of which of the various festivities you participate in. So yes, happy holidays, everyone.
I used to tell people that, as a Jew, I didn't celebrate Christmas, and no one would believe me (so many non-Jews for some reason, or at least those I've met that aren't from this area, don't believe that there's anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas). But In retrospect, I realize that that is not true. When I was a kid and a teen, my parents used to always take us out to a Chinese restaurant on Christmas eve, because the places would be empty. It was our Jewish way of celebrating being able to get a seat in the restaurant lol. So it's become kind of a joke among Jews that that's how Jews celebrate Xmas. In any case, whatever or however or wherever you celebrate (even 'down under'), I wish you all happy holidays and a good 2013 (or 5773).
I was hoping for the end of the world thing. Although it would mean I was wrong when I said that was just due to the circular calandar running out of room, but there is a first time for everything. Off on some details, largely accurate, needs more deadly fauna.