Hauling jobs...

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Euel Ball, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Euel Ball

    Euel Ball Member

    ...or Idiot colonists?

    This is from some videos I've seen, so apply with with caution. It seems to be that they will forage, hunt and butcher, but not take food to the stockpile. They also will eat the food that they forage, but will not eat food laying about. Is this a bug?
  2. Viion

    Viion Member

    Depending on how hungry they are and what needs/orders they have they will consider to eat the closest ting they find. Even go so far as to butcher corpses if there is no other food available. The further they have to go to get the cooked food the more likely it is they will eat some raw berries or what-not that's closer.

    I know it's irrational to eat berries then and there if you could get them to a kitchen and process them and get even more nutrition out of them, but's lets face it, people are NOT rationale when they are starving or hungry. People make crappy mistakes they later regret. Have you ever gone to the store while you are very hungry intending to buy "just some bread and cheese"? I have, I came home with bread, cheese, ham, milk, sugar, coffee, orange juice, chocolate, ice cream and a lot, lot more. When I was unpacking at home I was wondering "Why did I buy all this?!?" and that's how I rationalise the colonists "eat berries now for 300 nutrition instead of make jam for 600 nutrition later".

    Unfortunately I have no excuse to offer regarding hauling jobs except "I'm sure it will get better. It's better now that in the start and hopefully will get even bettererer" :)