Help: Adding spells to crossbows

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Sahabul Hossain, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone! I just started modding DoD and don't know much about it. I have read all the tutorials from But I'm facing some problems. I want to add spells to crossbows. That means when I attack monsters with crossbow it will cast a spell on the monster. For example, the monster will be burnt for 10 turn taking 1 conflagratory damage per turn. Can anybody help me?
  2. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    Adding a crossbowShotBuff on an item casts *name* with a *percentage* chance upon shooting a crossbow. I think this spell is cast on the player and not the target, though I'm not sure.
    Just to be sure you can add a targetHitEffectBuff on an item which casts *name* on *taxa* monsters, after *after* turns, with a *percentage* chance.
  3. Thank you very very much. crossbowShotBuff worked. targetHitEffectBuff didn't. I will ask more if I get stuck again. Thank you again.