I came up with a custom room; it's supposed to be the same as the "Fun Room" from Diggle Gods, except that it's supposed to cast "This Root Shall Suffer" instead of "Pact of Fleeting Life". But instead it just does nothing. Here's the code, can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong: <room width="11" height="11" name="Fun-er Chamber"> <row text=" ####D#### "/> <row text="##GGG.GGG##"/> <row text="#GGGG.GGGG#"/> <row text="d..GG.....d"/> <row text="#.GGGGGGG.#"/> <row text="#.GGGGGGG.#"/> <row text="#.G..1..G.#"/> <row text="d.G.....G.d"/> <row text="#....2....#"/> <row text="#####.#####"/> <row text=" ####D#### "/> <pedestal at="2" name="Heh heh heh." text="Pull lever to engage Dark Forces. Heh, heh, heh. Heh. HEH."/> <flags minLevel="4" special="1"/> <element at="1" type="lever" id="lever0"/> <script repeat="1"> <condition condition_type="activated" activated="1" id="lever0"/> <action on="success" action_type="spell" casts="This Root Shall Suffer" sourceX="5" sourceY="5" targetX="5" targetY="5"/> </script> </room> (Essentially the same as "Fun Chamber" except that the name has been changed and the 'casts' value on the action has been changed. Obviously since it doesn't work something else should probably be changed as well, but what?)