Help! My skill isn't showing up.

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Enker, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Enker

    Enker Member

    So I've been putting together my first mod, and I ran it through the XML Validator and it said it was fine. After fixing a couple bogus filename pointers in regards to ability art, I loaded it successfully through the ModLoader and saw it in the Character Creation screen. However, once I'm actually in-game, the skill doesn't show in my Skills menu nor upon leveling up!

    For debugging purposes, my three .xml files:

        <revision text="1.0"/>
        <author text="Doc"/>
        <name text="Spiteful Scumbag"/>
        <description text="After years of lying, stealing and cheating, your self-gratifying ways have finally paid off in the form of an inexplicably-effective combat skill tree. Lucky you!"/>
        <info totalconversion="0"/>
        <skill name="Spiteful Scumbag" skillName="scumbag" type="rogue" description="After years of lying and cheating, your self-gratifying ways have finally paid off in the form of an inexplicably-effective skill tree. Lucky you!" >
                <art icon="skills/ryan.png"/>
        <ability startSkill="1" name="Spiteful Scumbag" icon="skills/ryan.png" skillName="scumbag" description text="After years of lying and cheating, your self-gratifying ways have finally paid off in the form of an inexplicably-effective skill tree. Lucky you!">
            <primaryBuff id="3" ammount="2" />
            <primaryBuff id="4" amount="1" />
            <primaryBuff id="0" amount="-1" />
        <ability level="1" name="In Thrust We Trust" icon="skills/thrusty64.png" skillName="scumbag" description text="Like the inky black creatures of legend, you live to thrust and thrust you must. As it turns out, dry humping is as effective a weapon as it is a means of picking up chicks." />
            <spell name="In Thrust We Trust"/>
            <damagebuff crushing="1" stabbing="1" />
            <secondaryBuff id="6" amount="5" />
        <ability level="2" name="Blundering Blusterer" icon="skills/unskilled_weapon.png" skillName="scumbag" description text="You're real good at making threats. Backing them up is a different matter entirely." />
            <primaryBuff id="3" amount=3 />
            <primaryBuff id="4" amount=1 />
            <secondaryBuff id="0" amount="-1"/>
            <secondaryBuff id="2" amount="-1"/>
            <resistbuff crushing="1" />
        <ability level="3" name="Dodgy Weasel" icon="skills/skill_dodging.png" skillName="scumbag" description text="With practice stemmed from long nights of shirking your fair share of duties around the house, you've come to be able to avoid a blade just as well as you can avoid responsibility." />
            <primaryBuff id="3" amount="1" />
            <primaryBuff id="2" amount="2" />
            <primaryBuff id="5" amount="-1" />
            <secondaryBuff id="6" amount="10" />
        <ability level="4" name="'Roid Rage" icon="skills/stat_str64.png" skillName="scumbag" description text="You know a guy who knows a guy who can get those nasty strength nerfs out of your system for a limited time. What could possibly go wrong? (Hint: A lot of things.)" />
            <primaryBuff id="0" amount="2" />
            <primaryBuff id="1" amount="-1" />
            <primaryBuff id="5" amount="-1" />
            <secondaryBuff id="12" amount="-1" />
            <spell name="'Roid Rage" />
        <ability level="5" name="Painful Existance" icon="stat_chr64.png" skillName="scumbag" description text="No, it's nothing emo - You've mastered the art of the jackass, becoming so narcissistic and self-righteous that it's literally painful just to be around you." />
            <primaryBuff id="3" amount="5" />
            <primaryBuff id="5" amount="3" />
            <primaryBuff id="2" amount="3" />
            <primaryBuff id="4" amount="2" />
            <secondaryBuff id="4" amount="5" />
            <secondaryBuff id="6" amount="5" />
            <damageBuff asphyxiative="2" righteous="3" existential="5" />

        <spell name="In Thrust We Trust" type="template" templateID="30" icon="skills/thrusty32.png" wand="1" downtime="6">
            <effect type="damage" crushing="5" piercing = "2" crushingF="0.1" piercingF="0.2" />
            <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_crushing/impact_crushing" frames="4" firstframe="0" framerate="50" sfx="crushing" />
            <description text="Like the inky black creatures of legend, you live to thrust and thrust you must. Also works great for picking up ladies." />
        <spell name="'Roid Rage" type="target" self="1" icon="skills/stat_str32.png" downtime="35">
            <buff usetimer="1" time="25" allowstacking="0" stacksize="1" self="1" icon="skills/stat_str64.png" smallicon="skills/stat_str32.png" bad="0">
                <primaryBuff id="0" amount="3" /> <!-- +3 Burliness-->
                <primaryBuff id="3" amount="3" /> <!-- +3 Caddishness-->
                <primaryBuff id="4" amount="5" /> <!-- +5 Stubbornness-->
                <secondaryBuff id="4" amount="10" /> <!-- +10% Crit Chance-->
                <primaryBuff id="5" amount="-3" /> <!-- -3 Savvy-->
                <primaryBuff id="1" amount="-3" /> <!-- -3 Sagacity-->
                <secondaryBuff id="6" amount="-10" /> <!-- -10% Dodge Chance-->
                <secondaryBuff id="11" amount="-5" /> <!-- -5% Magic Resist-->
                <description text="It's hard to tell whether those pills do more harm than good. It's also becoming increasingly difficult to walk in a straight line. Are you sure those were steroids? />
    Please, someone tell me what I'm doing wrong! I just know it's something silly and negligible, but I'd really love to see this in-game. (Also, if anyone can give me some insight on balancing these skills, I'm horrible at that, too.) Thanks in advance!

  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    First of all, you have no level 0 ability, and your dummy ability has passive bonuses (what?).
    Secondly, you are to use 'skill="[something]"' and not 'skillname="[something]"' in abilities, or at least in those that aren't dummy abilities.
  3. Enker

    Enker Member

    I thought the startSkill="1" was a suitable replacement for level="0". I'll try fixing what you said and get back to you!
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    No, it is not a replacement. Tier 0 skill (marked by 'level="0"') is the skill you get from the get-go when you take the skill tree. Dummy skill (marked by 'startSkill="1"') is the one that sits on the very left of the skill upgrade screen and is there only to give us a description.
  5. Enker

    Enker Member

    Ah, I see! Well, I'll keep working and playing with it. If I run into trouble again, I'll post.