Hiyas, I'm trying to make a spell mine, but am having trouble with getting it to work, could someone please have a look at it and see if you can figure out why it is failing? Code: SkillDB <ability name="Super Glue" icon="skills/rogue/skill_trap_lore0_32.png" skill="900" level="1"> <description text="When you find the perfect place for an enemy, you want to make sure it STAYS there."/> <spell name="Super Glue"/> </ability> SpellDB <spell name="Glue" type="targetfloor" self="0" mineTimer="100" mineSpritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/oilpuddle/oilpuddle" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="50" mine="1" mineradius="2" mineSpritDrawOrder="1" minePermanent"1" > <effect type="lockdown" turns="100" /> <effect type="asphyxiative" ="2" /> <description text="When you find the perfect place for an enemy, you want to make sure it STAYS there." /> </spell> <spell name="Super Glue" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/rogue/skill_trap_lore0_32.png"> <requirements mp="20" savvyBonus="0.20" mincost="10" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Glue" affectsCaster="0"/> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/goosplatA/goosplatA" frames="4" firstframe="0" framerate="50" centerEffect="1" sfx="agar/agar_attack" /> <description text="When you find the perfect place for an enemy, you want to make sure it STAYS there." /> </spell> Currently, the mana is used and the goosplat shown, but none of the mine effects seem to work... Help please!
Lockdown uses amount, not turns. And the second one should be Code: <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="2"/>