Hey guys I'm trying to finish a mod I've been working on, but I encountered a problem with the last skill of the tree, so after turning my brain inside out looking for the problem, I'd like to ask for your help. I'll try to explain what I wanted to do, and paste my code here. The last skill of the tree consists on several buffs, plus a self buff that triggers when an enemy is killed. Or at least, that was the idea. This is the code for the ability: Code: <ability name="Gaia's Chosen" icon="mod/skills/warrior/elemental_final.png" skill="5000" level="5" > <description text="blahblhablah" /> <damagebuff blasting="1" conflagratory="1" asphyxiative="1" hyperborean="1" aethereal="2" /> <resistbuff blasting="1" conflagratory="1" asphyxiative="1" hyperborean="1" aethereal="2" /> <targetKillBuff percentage="100" name="Gaias Wrath" /> </ability> And this is the code for the triggered spell, which should affect the player: Code: <spell name="Gaias Wrath" type="self" icon="mod/skills/warrior/gaiaswrath.png"> <!-- TODO: anim --> <buff useTimer="1" time="5" allowstacking="1" stacksize="3" icon="mod/skills/warrior/gaiaswrath.png"> <primarybuff id="0" amount="5" /> <!-- burliness --> <primarybuff id="3" amount="5" /> <!-- cadishness --> <primarybuff id="4" amount="5" /> <!-- stubborness --> </buff> <description text="blehblehbleh" /> </spell> Right now, the spell triggers all the times to avoid waiting until it triggers by chance, it will be changed before release. What happens is that as soon as the enemy is killed, the game crashes to desktop, with the "Windows is looking for a solution" (or something like that, I have it in spanish :-P) window. I think it is because of the triggered effect, since the last line that appears in the debugging window is informing of the enemy being killed, but I can't find the problem. Maybe this can't be done at all, but I looked Blood Magic skills as a template for this. Also, if you need additional information, let me know. Thanks in advance for your help
Crash to desktop is usually caused by icon issues. Double check your file paths. Most people put their icons in /skills/ instead of /mod/skills/. You might also need to put self="1" on the buff to make it work right.
I already checked file paths, but did it again just in case. All the file paths are all right, I think. Actually, I use both images from the game and custom, and both works fine. I've put self="1" too but it still crashes. I've noticed one thing, though: I've used allowstacking="1" but I've seen other skills that use stackable="1". What's the difference? Thanks for the help anyway, J-Factor
Your buff is missing the smallicon attribute. When stuff breaks compare it to an existing, working example. Take one of the official buffs and gradually change it until you can reproduce the crash. I never start from scratch - it's a waste of time.
I think I put it someday to try too, but I'll take your advice and re-write it step by step. Thanks for your help
Your buff tag doesn't have a smallicon="XYZ_32.png" line; I don't know if it matters, I've just always used it because the core game code always uses it.
I didn't think it would be necessary, since it's a buff and it wouldn't use it, but now that I'm doing it from a core spell, it is working. I try to remove the smallicon tag and you're right. It IS necessary even if you don't use it. Weird... I'll post my mod as soon as I finish as soon as I change it to 1.0.10, seeing that it's going to come out soon, and I want to try something I wasn't able to do. I'm so excited