Help with trigger effect?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by GreenZanbato, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. GreenZanbato

    GreenZanbato Member

    Edit: Please ignore my utter noobishness. I've found the problem.

    Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code? They are in this order in the xml and Sprint is what is used, triggering sprint vanish and sprint root. The problem is the triggers don't seem to work and only the teleport happens.
    <spell name="Sprint Root" type="area radius="2" icon="skills/stunned32.png" >
        <buff useTimer="1" time="3" allowstacking="0" stacksize="1" self="0" icon="skills/stunned64.png" smallicon="skills/stunned32.png" bad="1" >
            <lockdown amount="3"/>
        <description text="So fast!" />
    <spell name="Sprint Vanish" type="self" icon="skills/rogue/skill_burglary1_32.png" >
        <description text="It's as if you were never there."/>
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/psionic_generic/psionic_generic" frames="5" framerate="70" sfx="magic_open"/>
        <buff useTimer="1" time="5" icon="skills/rogue/skill_stealth0_64.png" smallicon="skills/rogue/skill_stealth0_32.png" stacksize="1" self="1" >
            <invisible amount="1" />
    <spell name="Sprint" type="adjacent" icon="skills/rogue/leap32.png" downtime="12" >
        <effect type="teleport" skipanimation="1" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Sprint Vanish" amount="0" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Sprint Root" amount="0" />
        <description text="You run so fast no one can see you and you leave nearby enemies stopped in awe!" />
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    The teleport effect is a finishing effect, meaning that nothing below it in a given spell (not the whole skill, just the spell in which said effect is located) is executed.

    I'm just saying it so that people who would have the same problem in the future would not have to look for it on their own.
    GreenZanbato likes this.
  3. GreenZanbato

    GreenZanbato Member

    Actually that worked fine for me. The problem was the lockdown tag should be an effect type="lockdown" tag and it shouldn't be inside a buff. When that didn't work it ignored the invisibility.
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Oh well, the randomness of DoD's code is amusing sometimes...

    Either way, it's good that you could make the whole thing work; I don't think anything else matters anymore here.