Is this by design? The game is full of high level plastic bolts, but I can't make anything other than the basic "Plastic Bolt" regardless of my Tinkering skill. It seems like a bug to me. I figured that other people must have encountered this, but I didn't find anything when searching this forum for "plastic".
Kazeto: Whaaa?? I have Ingeniously Scythed Plastic Bolts in my inventory right now. I've never tried to Craft them, but I've always assumed you'd be able to just like you can craft Cruelly Barbed Copper Bolts, etc,etc. Yes/no?
I've noticed this, too. I was just pretending that it was a gameplay feature, you the average tinkerer doesn't have the dwarven savvy required to craft plastic barbs, or that it's against Bolt Council rules for any dungeoneer to infringe on dorf copyright laws. I also noticed that there's a small typo on one of them, the "Cruely" Barbed Plastic Bolts. But again, I don't know if that's just dwarf leet speak or what.
In crafting? Hell naw, take a quick look at the recipe. In the game proper, however, yes, there are higher-level plastic bolts. But unlike all the other higher-level bolts, they came there with RotDG expansion instead of being there from the beginning, and thus they couldn't be included in the crafting recipes. That's pretty much the essence of it. Satisfied now, Essence?
I dunno... when you said "there are no higher-level plastic bolts", I took it the same way I'm sure Essence did. "What the...? How can you never have seen them?" But your explanation makes sense.
It makes sense, but it still looks like its something the dev would have overlooked rather than done on purpose.
It's mostly part of the fact that without mods, they didn't have time to add any recipes to the RotDG stuff. A thing that will be fixed in this patch.