Hi, I just loaded up 1.08 for the first time and loaded one of my 1.06 saves and while I love the new crafting interface and think it's very slick, I used to be able to store items inside my crafting tools (eg. inside the anvil or porta-still) but I can't seem to figure out how to do that anymore. Am I missing something obvious or is this no longer possible? If it's no longer possible I have no idea what happened to my items that I had previously been holding inside the tools in 1.06. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It's no longer possible, I just deliberately killed my char I was using (pretty sad, he was the furthest ever, but used deadshot and skills were changed and it didn't feel like 'him' anymore not to mention all the meticulously organised lifesavers I had put in those crafting items were lost).