Holy Hand Grenade explosion radius detached.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Xantos, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Xantos

    Xantos Member

    Well, I went and read back about ten pages before posting just to make sure it hasn't already been submitted, if it's farther back, my apologies. Recently I did a pure melee dungeon run (And my first successful one too! Hooray!) and after some reading up on Dredmor, realized his corruption ability would be rather heinous. So in preparation I began stockpiling Holy Hand Grenades.

    Once I had about fifty or so, I decided to give them a toss to see how big the explosion was, how much damage they do, etc. Turns out the monster you click on takes damage from the thrown grenade, and the explosion is centered around the hero, not the thrown grenade. Is this intentional? Maybe I'm a gigantic stupid. I made it work by standing close enough the explosion hit him anyway, but it seems slightly awkward, considering the other grenades I've ran into explode around the thrown point and not the hero.

    Oh, and RotDG is installed.

    Save file provided, because there's plenty of HHGs to test with.

    Attached Files:

    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  2. Itis a known bug.
  3. Xantos

    Xantos Member

    Ah, I guess I didn't go back far enough then. Must be an old one huh? Welp, thanks for letting me know it's being looked at at least. Ah well. Guess I know not to rely on them that much then.
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  4. A++ attempt at due diligence! There is a forum search too that might help.

    And welcome to the forums!
    ElectricMessiah likes this.