I actually forgot the name for the 'bosses', so I'll call them 'bosses'. I mean those special mobs with aura's and names. "Commander of the third Legion of the Left Foot" etc Well I don't know if it affects anything but just now gone down to level 2 without finishing a quest (although I finished it up later), something I usually never do. And I encountered something else I have never seen. Namely the fact that level 2 had 'bosses' everywhere! Literally every other room or corridor had a boss in it. One relatively large room had 2. And I didn't open a small number of rooms either. The level also had 2 monster zoos btw, with the one I wasn't near get located on my map when I opened the door to the first one. So have I been struck by extreme bad luck or is it more common in 1.0.6 to have a LOT of 'bosses' or was it going down a level before finishing a quest or...?
It's strange, but you may just have been unlucky. I don't think it has anything to do with the quests since I don't always finish quests and that rarely happens.