Housing: Bunkhouse or Single Tenements

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Rothide, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Rothide

    Rothide Member

    How does everyone in the Earliest Access handle worker housing? I was trying to make one giant bunkhouse for the lower class, while having seperate homes for the middle class...

    But should I instead be making all single housing, or should I be making bunkhouses for everyone?

    I'm enjoying the game so far, and hoping to get a nice bustling city built someday soon (specially when save features come available). The question now is using a lot of space to build single our double tenements, or building 3 giant bunkhouses for people to live in.
  2. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    I make bunkhouses for the lower and middle class and single houses for the upper crust.
  3. Rothide

    Rothide Member

    Cool, I'll work on doing that.
  4. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    At the moment I just build a big bunkhouse for everyone. If anyone complains I just start assigning jobs in fishpeople territory until there happy again.

    At a later date I will probably do the same as DrSleepless, though I know I will probably end up making a slummy sort of area for my colony.
  5. Ashe

    Ashe Member

    I tend to go lower class bunk house, a middle class inn of sorts, and individual houses for the upper crust. Unless I get bored and start trying to put the upper class in their place and make them work like the swine they are.
  6. City Builder

    City Builder Member

    They all get bunk houses on my map regardless of their economic standing in the community. Honestly... I just couldn't be bothered building all the little one room homes that I'd need to give each their own home at this point in development of the game.
  7. Insanius

    Insanius Member

    Bunkhouse is definitely the way to go. I also make sure that the corridor is at least two squares wide for easy access, and that the building itself has a good number of double doors for entry. The first time I started building bunkhouses I noticed that my people couldn't get any sleep not for lack of beds, but getting stuck.

    Not completely unrelated, I also build mess halls with tables and chairs but no beds. Same concept, stop the citizens from getting stuck all the time.
  8. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Property ownership is on my list for after Steam Early Access this Friday (and putting out fires, and saves, and ...) The intended functionality, last I talked to anybody, was the following:

    - lower class citizens are just thrilled to have a bed. If they end up sleeping in a middle or upper class bed, they will be upset at "sleeping in a bed above their station" or "thrilled to have slept in a bed above their lot in life" depending on their traits.
    - The middle class will demand their own bed, but will be okay to have a house with other beds in it (but might also get upset if, say, you try to pack them into tenement housing.)
    - The upper class will demand their own house.
    lordkosc and Sneaky like this.