They're not randomly generated as such, they're randomly chosen. Each room was created beforehand, and the game just chooses a random one. Of course there are slight variations like stairs, and displacement glyphs which are randomly placed around.
Randomly generated would imply that they are completely fabricated at random. It's more like randomly placed.
There's an old game called Dungeon Hack that I sunk about a zillion hours into back when I was younger, that had slider bars for difficulty - you could choose the depth of the dungeon, whether or not it included a water level, whether there were traps or pitfalls, the frequency of monsters, food, and magical items, even whether you wanted permadeath on or off. A feature like that could allow you to have the things you want in the game without ruining the surprise of the layout. I would pay for this feature. Especially if I could turn off Blink Curse, man I hate that spell. Edit: I found a screenshot of the dungeon options: It even had a "Dungeon Seed" to allow you to share your favorite dungeon with your friends, if you had any, which I didn't.
I think that Gaslamp actually talked about the whole random generation thing, but realising that using premade rooms was better or something, in some place.
Yes, they did. But then again, being able to set the maximum dungeon depth, with Dredmor having different stats for each floor, would be an interesting option - that way we would be able to adjust the length of the game and the difficulty of the final challenge, which would increase the replayability.
I agree of course they would have to add to the number of layout types and enimies to do so and of course raise the level cap depending on depth
Then again, they could also add something that detects the maximal depth present in the game's files, and give the option of creating more floors to modders. I reckon that is something neither players nor modders would complain about.
Well, as it is it would probably be possible to make a dungeon (very large room) and the scripting would allow for nearly anything to happen. If this dungeon(room) was set as a tutorial level it would guarantee to only have the specified room to play on. It would be possible to play a story and have events happen based on certain tasks being accomplished. Monsters would probably be manually placed along with items. Not to mention predetermined skill-sets. It could turn out to be quite the challenge. But yes, that would require modding. For now. As it is I am slowly but surely making programs to easily mod the game for the user. Might be worth checking out my mod creators thread in my signature if you want an idea of what I'm working on.